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That is, when the source data is refreshed periodically, the report eventually reflects changes in the data. Whether a report runs on demand or on a scheduled basis, the information in the report is generally dynamic.

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Here s the code from the original Library class: Visual Basic Imports System.Collections Public Class Library Private m_shelf As New SortedList() Public Sub CheckIn(ByVal newBook As Book) m_shelf.Add(newBook.Title, newBook) End Sub Public Function CheckOut(ByVal title As String) As Book Dim theBook As Book theBook = CType(m_shelf(title), Book) The class contains a protected instance member, Dictionary, that will contain the Book instances we want to add to the collection. What s noticeably absent from the public interface are any methods that add or return items from the collection.

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As a r esult, error m essages will appear on pages wit h v alid dat a, and pages wit h invalid dat a will appear wit hout err or m essages. The error m essages for dat a will be one row out of sy nchr ony wit h t he inv alid dat a. When y ou com bine server- side validat ion wit h invalid dat a, a r elat ed pr oblem em erges. I f you use ser ver- side v alidat ion wit hout m aking dat a m anipulat ion t ask s, such as inser t s and updat es, condit ional on t he v alidit y of t he cont rols on a page, y ou r un t he r isk of ent er ing invalid dat a in your dat abase. Paper documents, in the form of PDF files or images, . Optical character recognition ( OCR ) is a technology used to convert scanned OCR in PDF Using Tesseract Open-Source Engine | Syncfusion Blogs Case does matter here for instance, UseUri is a different thing than useuri. To how you type any of the possible values in Table 19-7. I n addit ion, t he sect ion pr ovides an ov erv iew of t he k inds of XML- relat ed t asks t hat you can perform from t he. This sect ion is designed t o work in concert wit h t he cov er age of XML docum ent form at s and relat ed t echnologies int roduced in Chapt er 6. Ther e s a lot m or e t o XML t han t he basic design of an XML docum ent t hat cont ains dat a. Next, you add your application-specific GetVaryB圜ustomString method in the global.asax file. Tesseract is an OCR engine with support for unicode and the ability to recognize First write the code with hard-coded values, such as 12, and then replace them with calculated values, such as 2 * BarSpacing. Drawing a shape at location (0,0) places the shape at the upper left corner of the control. Remember, the GraphicsPath origin is relative to the control, not the form. Enlarge the control to make sure you aren t drawing beyond the edge of the control. This property controls how overlapping shapes are drawn. Experiment with the GraphicsPath.FillMode property. This draws only the outline of the shapes. Instead of e.Graphics.FillPath, use e.Graphics.DrawPath.

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